Masters Of The Universe - The Rock Warriors - A Golden Super Adventure Book (1985)


Adam, Cringer, Teela, Man-At-Arms, and Buzz-Off are wondering around in the forest looking for precious metals when suddenly Jitsu and Webstor attack them.

Adam and Cringer hide and become He-Man and Battle Cat, respectively.

They find out that Skeletor is using a "Stone Ray" to create rock soldiers out of solid stone. He ends up taking these troops to the royal palace to take it over, but the heroes fight them back, and end up going after Skeletor at Snake Mountain.

A huge fight ensues there, where the heroes find out that the golems will crumble back to rock when in contact with water (okay...). Anyway, He-Man gets the idea to divert North River right into Snake Mountain, where Skeletor's entire stone army crumbles apart. The water also for some strange reason melts the Stone Ray and Skeletor is foiled again.

On return to the palace, King Randor congratulates and praises everyone except for Adam, who he says fled at the first sign of battle.

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